AGV/AMR intralogistics systems

Intralogistics systems based on AGV / AMR robots are designed for automatic transport of components and finished products in a factory or warehouse. Moving along the designated routes, they transport standard pallets, containers, and logistics baskets. The operation of AGVs is supervised by the IntraFleet system. The IntraFleet fleet management system makes it possible to design logistics processes and manage traffic considering the infrastructure of the production hall and warehouse, as well as employees moving around. The modular design of AGVs facilitates the process of designing an intralogistics system according to customer needs. The intralogistics system is a solution awarded twice in the “Innovative Product for Logistics, Transport and Production competition in 2020 and in 2022. The system was also appreciated by the Robot Platform in the “Industrial [r]evolution” competition in the category Project that demonstrates an increase in efficiency and productivity at the workplace.

  • optimisation of logistics processes
  • reduction of costs of internal logistics
  • navigation with the aid of magnetic tapes or laser space scanning
  • security systems based on certified components
  • system of automatic battery charging
  • pre-implementation analysis based on a simulation in the FlexSim software.




In production halls:

  • supplying components for production,
  • receiving finished products/semi-finished products from production and their transportation to a storage or shipping area,
  • delivery and reception of tool and raw materials to machines,
  • collection of waste and its export to the right zone.

In the logistics and warehousing area:

  • transport of products and goods to and from the warehouse,
  • transport between picking zones and buffer warehouses (supermarkets),
  • ordering of transport equipment in warehouses and supermarkets,
  • other transport activities inside production halls and warehouses.


Together with Etisoft Smart Solutions we provide complete internal logistics systems based on various types of AGVs/AMRs.

We ensure:

  • pre-implementation analysis,
  • design of the entire system,
  • simulation and virtual deployment,
  • deployment of the intralogistics system,
  • maintenance service.

All AGVs designed by us can be navigated in two ways: with the use of floor magnetic tapes or by laser space scanning using SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). The IntraBot mobile robots together with the associated infrastructure form an automatic onsite transportation system. Their operation is supervised by our original fleet management system IntraFleet. It is a web application which plans single or combined missions within the framework of a single course, manages robot traffic, e.g., by avoiding collisions and congestion, provides necessary statistics and cooperates with the ERP/MES/WMS class systems ensuring automatic exchange of data with the customer’s systems in real time.


  • Automation of processes of supplying components to production lines
  • Automatic delivery system
  • Automatic segregation system
  • Automatic inventory system

Learn more about this product:

wdrożenie robotów mobilnych

Deployment of AGVs/AMRs and fleets

22 Apr 2021 - Wojciech Klein

Can a single AGV/AMR meet the logistics and functional requirements of production and warehouse processes? The answer to this question depends mainly on the performance requirements of the processes being […]

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