About Etisoft
Since the establishment of our company in 1993, our activities are focused on the needs of our customers in the field of labeling and automatic identification of products. Comprehensive service of corporate clients and dynamic development have established our position of a qualified global supplier of labels and functional elements for many industries. The implemented service models make it possible to adapt the principles of cooperation to each kind of customers, also within the scope of consolidation of deliveries of products to customer’s factories located in many places all over the world. The changing market and expectations of our customers gave us a stimulus to develop and build competences related to process automation. We’re successfully extending our offer with new Auto ID devices, label application systems, AGV-based intralogistic systems, vision systems and solutions within the scope of the RFID technology.

From labels to Industry 4.0
Our vision
Etisoft is a recognised brand and technologically mature enterprise on the market of manufacturers and suppliers of labels and functional elements for many industries. It’s the label that performs a role of an information carrier in the solutions within the scope of industrial automatics and in the systems supporting production automation offered by us. We share knowledge and experience with our customers. We are inspired by their needs, thanks to which we are becoming better and better and more versatile while extending the portfolio of our products. We connect our future both with development which will enable us to maintain the position of a modern and responsible label supplier and with products which will let us, and our customers reach a level of an Industry 4.0 enterprise.

Safe cooperation - continued development
Our mission
While building a strong Etisoft brand we place a lot of emphasis on stable and long-term cooperation with our customers, suppliers – Partners. The cooperation we offer is based on technological safety and a guarantee of appropriate manufacturing capacity through investments in a machine park, new technologies and development of competences and skills of our staff which consists of 300 people. The partnership-based relationships with our largest suppliers ensure production continuity and meeting delivery dates and guarantee constant high quality of offered products. It’s proven by numerous certificates. A broad portfolio of products, clear principles of cooperation and comprehensive service cause Etisoft to be regarded as a trustworthy and safe employer and a reliable partner in business.

Company is people
A team consisting of 300 qualified employees who work together for the success of the enterprise is the greatest asset of our company. Our team consists of experts and high-class specialists from many branches who, with full responsibility, make sure that each stage of task implementation is conducted with due diligence and on time. We create a team, which is open and able to face every challenge concerning customer service, logistics, technology, production or R&D.
We focus on people who want to develop and educate themselves. We make a clear career path. We conduct employees’ trainings on a regular basis which improve their qualifications. Each employee has the right to suggest changes aiming at the improvement of work. Thanks to such actions many technology improvement applications have already been brought into force while facilitating daily as well as long-term functioning of our company. Together we enjoy all the successes of our employees, support their passions, building sports teams and initiatives aimed at local communities which they initiate.

Etisoft means experience
Etisoft has become a prised brand which is recognised on the Polish and European markets thanks to its presence in the branch of automatic identification products since 1993. We consistently use the experience we’ve been gaining for years to create new product groups. We are systematically broadening our offer by new kinds of labels and functional elements, additionally enriching it with innovative systems and solutions for Industry 4.0. It’s possible thanks to a professional and qualified team with many years of experience which provides our business partners with a sense of security with a simultaneous participation in the development process we constantly experience.