


RFID label printers

RFID label printers - RFID tag encoding can be conducted in many ways. Thermal transfer printers equipped with an RFID reader are most often used for this purpose. RFID label printer makes simultaneous writing of information into RFID tags and printing data in the form of a code or text (...)

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RFID readers and antennas

RFID readers - devices used for reading data written into the memory of RFID tags. These are mainly readers with integrated antennas. Depending on the device and need of application, one to several antennas can be integrated with one reader. Then they constitute the so-called RFID gate. In order to (...)

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RFID mobile computers

RFID data terminals - mobile wireless devices used for collecting and processing data written into the memory of RFID tags. Contrary to standard data terminal used for servicing logistic and production processes, they include an integrated RFID antenna. Thanks to that the same processes can be conducted with greater precision (...)

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RFID labels

RFID labels are markings consisting of a miniature chip that allows the recording of information and an antenna that determines the reading distance. The most popular solutions are a self-adhesive and non-adhesive labels with an RFID tags attached. RFID tags are also available in the form of tokens, cards, tags (...)

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RFID systems – a history of revolutionary technology

The name of RFID technology derives from the English term Radio-Frequency Identification, which means identification of data using radio waves. It has existed since 1945 and was developed as a spy tool using specifically radio waves to read encoded information. It was used, for instance, by the Allies to identify Allied and enemy aircraft during the Second World War.

However, since then, RFID solutions have come a long way and have been used in many areas of life, as well as branches of industry and economy, including logistics, commerce, access enabling, security, and production. They are used to manage supply chains, and warehouse inventories, monitor production, and track samples, reagents, and diagnostic materials. And they have not had their last word yet. There is virtually no field today where such a system would not be used. The development of Industry 4.0, based on wireless communication, has contributed to the fact that the role of RFID systems is currently extremely important.

What does an RFID system consist of?

A standard RFID system consists of tags (labels), RFID readers or terminals, antennas, and applications used to collect and process data. An RFID label is a microchip with an antenna that can be attached to any object or product and used as its identifier. An RFID reader/terminal communicates with the RFID label via radio waves, reading the data encoded in the tag. The data can be read from a distance of several tens of centimeters to even several meters. Simultaneous reading of multiple tags within the range of the reader or antenna is possible.

Components of an RFID system

RFID systems use radio waves to send energy to RFID labels, which send back a unique identification code and other information to an RFID reader or RFID terminal collecting data with the help of RFID antennas. Apart from the tag itself, self-adhesive labels can also contain a printed bar code and plenty of other information, including the manufacturer’s logo and name, ingredients, production date, and many other data. These labels can be printed and encoded using RFID label printers. The data read by RFID readers and terminals are, in turn, generally processed and analyzed in dedicated software.

RFID printers

RFID label printers are used to encode RFID tags and to print a barcode and other information on a self-adhesive label containing the tag. Thermal or thermal transfer printers are most commonly used for this purpose, equipped with an encoder that continuously writes data to RFID tags and simultaneously verifies the correctness of the written data. If a tag is incorrectly encoded or damaged, it is rejected.

RFID printers are thermal transfer printers that print on a label using a special ribbon. Such print is durable and resistant to external factors, therefore it works well where labels are to be used more and for a longer period. When selecting a particular label printer it is worth taking into consideration all of the above-mentioned information.

Etisoft offers, among other things, Printronix and Zebra RFID label printers which make it possible to encode and print self-adhesive RFID labels, adhesive-free tags, logistics labels with a width of up to 6” (15.24 cm) with an RFID tag, and on-metal RFID labels.

RFID label program

A dedicated printer software: etiLABEL is used to prepare the data encoded in the RFID tag. This easy-to-use application enables you to prepare label templates containing barcodes or 2D codes, but also graphics, dates, and any information. The program also makes it possible to put serial numbers on labels and encode RFID tags based on the information automatically downloaded from databases.

Depending on the version of the etiLABEL program and the RFID label printer model, it is possible to:

  • print self-adhesive labels,
  • encode RFID tags contained in the labels,
  • verify the correctness of data encoded in RFID tags,
  • mark labels with incorrect RFID tags,
  • print on various types of materials.

RFID readers

RFID readers are used to read data encoded in RFID tags. These are devices with connected or integrated antennas. Depending on the particular solutions, from one to several antennas can be connected to a single reader. Readers can be fixed or mobile.  They take various forms. RFID readers use antennas and radio frequencies to activate RFID tags and communicate with tags within their read range. They then transmit the collected data to software. They make it possible to simultaneously read multiple RFID tags and determine the direction of movement of tagged products and goods. For this reason, RFID readers are used in logistics, among other things, where they monitor logistics and warehouse operations, given that they speed up these processes and eliminate errors and mistakes, as well as in industry, where they make it possible to control production and inventory processes.

RFID readers can be fixed solutions, installed above production lines or on a warehouse wall. These are the so-called RFID gates, or readers to which multiple antennas are connected. RFID gateways are used primarily to supervise and record the movement of goods and products. On the other hand, RFID readers in mobile devices, or RFID terminals, are used mainly to take inventory of products and goods in warehouses and stores.

Depending on their configuration and purpose, RFID readers offer:

  • mobile solutions (including those with an integrated antenna),
  • fixed solutions (including those with multiple antennas),
  • the possibility of building RFID gates used in logistics and warehouse operations,
  • possibility of reading multiple tags at the same time, even when they are not visible,
  • the possibility of monitoring and recording the movement of goods, and thus logistics processes and inventory changes,
  • the possibility of monitoring and recording the movement of products on production lines,
  • the elimination of errors and human mistakes,
  • a broad range of applications due to the variety of available configurations.

The equipment included in Etisoft’s offer and manufactured by Nordic ID, Zebra, and Alien Technology can communicate with master systems using most standard interfaces, including Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and GSM.

RFID terminals

Mobile RFID computers are wireless devices used for collecting and processing data stored in the memory of RFID tags. They can also be used for encoding and modifying information written to the RFID tag. These are advanced devices that make it possible to collect, process, and exchange data with IT systems to analyze information in real time. They are used for warehouse management, handling logistics and production processes, and reading hard-to-reach or hidden tags. Thus, they can be used to, for instance, quickly and accurately find products on shelves in warehouses or logistics centers.

The RFID terminals offered by Etisoft are Android-based devices that use various types of communication modules, such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and GSM. They may also have optional equipment such as cameras, GPS modules, and 1D and/or 2D code readers. Mobile terminals with built-in RFID readers are commonly used in logistics and warehouse processes. They are used to identify, receive, and issue products. They facilitate and make it possible to monitor inventory processes, but most significantly, they speed them up greatly and help avoid mistakes that are frequently made by humans.

Depending on their configuration and purpose, RFID terminals allow you to:

  • speed up product receiving, issuing, and inventory operations,
  • avoid many errors made by humans during warehouse operations,
  • read the information stored in the tags of hard-to-reach goods,
  • find products on the shelves of warehouses and stores,
  • instantly identify products, goods, tools, and raw materials, and last but not least
  • modify data stored in RFID tags.

However, regardless of the configuration, the simple and intuitive interfaces of Nordic ID, Zebra, and Alien Technology RFID terminals in Etisoft’s range of products provide easy operation and convenient use.


Data stored in RFID tags and read by RFID readers/terminals are fed into the software that makes processing and analysis of this information possible. These are warehouse management programs or manufacturing process management programs. RFID technology makes it possible to mark raw materials, semi-finished and finished products, as well as analyze and optimize processes and track product batches (traceability). Warehouse management programs using an RFID system monitor the warehouse in real time, record receiving and issuing operations, eliminate mistakes, allow the product to be quickly found in the warehouse, and reduce to a minimum all operations related to product inventory.

Designing an RFID system

To design a smoothly functioning and effective RFID system, you need the support of experienced engineers who will not only learn the needs and requirements of the customer’s processes but will also assess them and select and install solutions that are perfectly suited to the existing infrastructure. Once the integration is complete, they will review the collected data to evaluate and optimize the solution for full product traceability and management efficiency.

RFID systems and barcodes

Given the application, which is product identification or marking, RFID technology can naturally evoke associations with barcodes. However, RFID systems have significant advantages over this traditional technology. They allow, above all, more tags to be read at the same time and more information to be written to them. They can withstand harsh conditions, and the same tag can be used to mark various items. RFID technology could obviously replace barcodes (and in time this may happen in certain places), but its potential goes far beyond that.

RFID system – keep this in mind

What should you pay attention to when planning the implementation of an RFID system in your own company to make it effective?

Above all, it is extremely significant to choose an experienced supplier who will provide you with the right advice and help you individually select the solutions that will maximize the benefits that the technology can bring to your company. Such a tailor-made plan will be a good starting point. A good supplier will suggest the appropriate labels dedicated to a particular application, select a label printer and its parameters, and help select an RFID reader. And finally, they will advise on the software, which is the component that integrates all the other links. The above-mentioned elements of the system differ depending on the purpose and particular needs, which is why professional advice, followed by assistance in technology implementation, is at a premium.

RFID technology applications

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology makes it possible to track and record the location and movement of objects and people, and the time they enter and leave a designated area.

Since RFID is a contactless technology, it requires neither contact with the reader/terminal (as in the case of magnetic stripes) nor direct visual contact with the reader (as in the case of barcodes). For this reason, RFID solutions make it possible to avoid problems associated with ‘contact’ technologies and those requiring the reader to be positioned in a ‘line of sight’. Therefore, RFID solutions can operate in harsh, unusual conditions and are not usually affected by temperature changes or other ambient parameters.

The functions of RFID technology generally include three aspects: monitoring, tracking, and supervision.

  • monitoring, or identifying the status of the system or process and controlling specific parameters, particularly to detect them and to warn if they change,
  • tracking, or observing moving people or objects to collect data on their location,
  • supervision, or the monitoring of behavior, activities, and other variable information.

Advantages of RFID

Summing up, the most important advantages of RFID technology include:

  • the possibility of encoding RFID labels and simultaneous printing of text or barcode on the label.
  • simultaneous reading of multiple labels (that’s even several hundred tags per second!) – this makes instant inventory possible,
  • the possibility of modifying particular records (you can add something to the encoded information or change it completely at any time),
  • the possibility of reading a label that is not directly visible (it can be deliberately hidden and there will be no problem with reading it, there is no need to be worried about setting up the object for reading properly),
  • long range,
  • efficient data transmission,
  • the possibility of coding and encrypting so that only authorized persons have access to the data.

As a result, everything leads to a significant streamlining of logistics processes and minimization of human errors, which means a new quality of company operations. RFID is a technology that makes it easy and fast to read information about products. It can be used both in production plants and warehouses, as well as in logistics in a broad sense, and in many other industries. Preparing a complete RFID system requires advanced planning at the software and hardware levels. The use of RFID technology is only possible if the appropriate equipment is used. Among them, RFID readers with antennas, terminals, and printers are at the forefront.

ETISOFT – supplier of RFID systems

Our offer includes all of the above-mentioned products. We provide technologically advanced RFID equipment from trusted brands that meet the expectations of the most demanding users. We operate in this field in many industries.

Feel free to contact us to learn more about the details of our offer.




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