RFID pallets and containers id labels

RFID container ID labels – made in the form of permanent self-adhesive labels contain a unique number in the form of a code which is also stored in the memory of an RFID tag. They are used in many business areas for marking reusable items. On their basis the content of a particular vessel can be identified or its current status in the reusable items management system can be determined. Pallets and vessels with this type of labels make it possible to automate processes in consignment warehouses.

  • permanent marking of pallets, containers and vessels resistant to ambient conditions
  • efficient management of reusable items
  • real-time warehouse inventory
  • possibility of quick tracking of vessels and products in the warehouse



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Labels for crates and pallets

10 Aug 2022 - Mariusz Bielecki

Returnable Transport Items (RTI) and Returnable Packaging Items (RPI) are present in most industries. So, what are these RTIs and RPIs? Looking around, each of us has certainly come across […]

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