


Logistic label printers

In logistics every minute matters; there's no place for mistakes in the warehouse management. Automatic identification facilitates all the processes related to the movement of goods. The GS1 logistic label is a universal data carrier in the supply chain within which all the participants communicate in the same language. In (...)

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Bar code readers

Bar code readers are an essential work tool in the receipt of goods and order processing. The basic scanner used for operation in light warehouse conditions is resistant to multiple falls onto the hard surface from the height of even 1.5 m. The advanced scanning module makes it possible to (...)

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Manual applicators

The applicators are simple devices used for the application of pre-printed labels directly to a cardboard packaging. They facilitate and speed up label application in places where large numbers of packages, shipments are prepared. (...)

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Industrial applicators apply labels on a single cardboard packaging or wrapped pallets in an automatic or semi-automatic way. The box can move on the conveyor belt or be halted for the period of label application. The labels must be first printed and wound onto a roll.  This solution makes it (...)

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RFID terminals

Mobile solutions are commonly used in logistics and warehousing. Identification of products, release, issuing, inventory. These are the processes where terminal with RFID readers are used.  Terminals with built-in RFID readers (optionally with built-in readers of traditional codes) don’t only make it possible to conduct the same processes but also (...)

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Self-adhesive tapes and fastening patterns

Self-adhesive tapes and one-sided self-adhesive patterns are used for permanent or temporary fastening of elements. The most commonly used in the field and logistics, warehousing and production are ringlets made of an exceptionally strong and flexible duct tape. They are used for applying information, markings for production and warehouse containers, (...)

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RFID markings for pallets and transport items

RFID markings for Returnable Transport Items such as crates, barrels, cylinders, pallets etc. The use of such type of items is connected with the need for the registration of their movement. An accurate tracking of the movement of items doesn’t only make it possible to manage but also to optimize (...)

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Markings for shelves and racks

Rack labels are a component of the whole warehouse management system. They contain information about the number of a rack, place of storage printed in the form of a bar code. Self-adhesive labels resistant to warehouse conditions (sometimes temperatures below zero) which guarantee durability and readability for many years are (...)

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Markings of pallets and transport items

Labels for marking vessels, containers, transport crates and warehouse vessels facilitate the flow of materials and goods within the plant, on the production line and in the warehouse. They’re used in a closed cycle. The labels constitute an element of the system and have numbers in the form of a (...)

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OHS markings

For logistic and warehouse processes to be conducted efficiently and safely, the rooms in the work establishment should be marked with appropriate emergency exit and health and safety signs.  All the prohibition, warning, mandatory and danger sings, and information regarding workstations are printed on self-adhesive labels in the workplace. (...)

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