Garden labels – choose the perfect kit
Spring is a dream time to purchase and plant many species of plants. Nature awakens to life, and we begin to prepare for the next season. A real gardener knows what, where and when to sow and plant. What to do in order not to get lost in the frenzy of sowing, replanting, and planting? You will need accessories which will help you avoid mistakes. Garden labels for marking plants are a perfect solution. They help to identify plants offered by nurseries or garden centers.
Beautiful flowers, bushes and trees are a gorgeous visual aspect of the world around us. That is why we are so eager to work in the home garden or on the allotment. Thanks to proper plant labelling, nurseries, flower shops, orchards, or garden stores, offer their customers properly labelled products. Garden labels may contain, among other things, information about the country of origin, proper care, name in English (or other languages) and Latin, which makes it easier to find the plants in plant catalogues. With this knowledge, purchasers of plants can grow them with proper care. Etisoft’s offer includes not only ready-made kits, but also materials for label printing.

Garden labels for plant suppliers
Plants or shrubs are difficult to package in the traditional manner. Garden labels in the form of the so-called arrows or loops come to plant suppliers’ aid. Depending on the needs, different variants of labels are available. They can be used, for example, for marking conifers, seedlings or potted flowers. Plant labels offered by Etisoft are sold in a package together with the carefully selected, in terms of quality and quantity, thermal transfer ribbon. Esthetic and durable garden labels significantly facilitate work of caring for plants. The garden owner leaves the arrow in the ground near the place where the plant has been put or the loop on a planted tree for easy identification.
Advantages of labelling plants
Large garden centers specializing in the sales of trees and shrubs, flower shops, orchards, offer their customers many diverse types of plants. Garden labels allow you to minimize losses related to errors resulting from incorrect labelling and product identification during sales. Plant markings offered by Etisoft are resistant to changing weather conditions and excess humidity. The name of the plant and bar code printed on the arrow or loop are legible from the first labelling until the plant is sold , and long after that.

Etisoft offers perfectly selected kits of garden labels for marking plants together with a thermal transfer ribbon. They are compatible with printers that support thermal transfer ribbons with an inner roll diameter of one inch, i.e., most of those available on the market. If you have such a device, you can print the labels by yourself. Among the ready kits, there are solutions in the form of the so-called loops or arrows. Labels do not contain an adhesive.

Do you need garden labels?
Feel free to contact us – we will suggest the best solution!