We help as much as we can
Our company is not indifferent to the fate of the fighting Ukraine and the citizens of this country. Since the beginning of warfare, we have joined in to provide help, also to the volunteers. As it turned out, we were able to support community workers operating in Gliwice by providing them with what we manufacture daily – labels. Thanks to them it was easier to label and then identify cartons of donation delivered to the Municipal Donation Collection Point.
We would like to thank the GTW Association for the commemorative diploma. It was a great joy for us to support you in this slight way.
These are not our only activities in recent months. We feel responsible for the fate of the employees of the Etisoft Ukraine branch. We offered them comprehensive help and hospitality. Thus, the families from Lviv with their children found a roof over their heads at our employees’.
We also helped with a donation collection organized by our colleague Tetiana.