Strategy of the Etisoft brand: “we don’t stand beside changes, we become a part of them”
The year 2020 is an important time for the Etisoft time, a manufacturer and supplier of labels and functional elements. For more than 25 years of its presence on the market the company from Gliwice has become a renowned brand and a technologically mature enterprise. The stage the company is at gave an impetus to the establishment of a long-term strategy of action. Determining the direction which the company is moving towards is connected with strengthening and modernizing the image of the enterprise as well as communicating the extension of the portfolio by products which are an inherent part of Industry 4.0 technology.
From labels to Industry 4.0
The direction which Etisoft is moving towards is related to both the development which will enable it to maintain the position of a modern and responsible label supplier, and technologically advanced products within the scope of process automation (“From labels to Industry 4.0). It’s the label that performs the role of an information carrier in the solutions within the scope of industrial automatics and IT systems offered by Etisoft. Transformation of industry and its automation caused the company to move in the same direction as its customers. In recent years their expectations towards more and more advanced solutions have become a driving force for the development of Etisoft. As a result, the extension of the portfolio of the brand by technologically advanced products and solutions: AGV vehicles, vision systems, production management systems and RFID technology, has taken place.
The company bases its key values on a stable and long-lasting partnership written down in the strategy as “Safe cooperation – continued development.”
“The ETISOFT Group is ready to take another step forward and be more than a witness, but also a participant and creator of transformations in the modern industry. We turn our experience into innovative solutions. We build a team of professionals, focus on the development of employees and the machine park which will not only enable us to keep up with the changes that are taking place in the environment and our customers’ expectations but also be ahead of them,” Michał Majnusz, the president of Etisoft sp. z o.o. says. “The new logo, which strongly refers to the development of technology, is one of the accents that are a signal for the market that we approach changes in an active manner. The logotype refers to our history, experience, which we are especially proud of, and at the same time is associated with a modern approach to business and technologies we use during day-to-day work.”
Modern company = modern logo

The logo emphasizes innovativeness and professionalism to facilitate the company’s expansion into new markets.A multidimensional claim is its important complementing part. ETISOFT it means more. A non-obvious word-play attracts the audience while engaging it in the search for hidden meanings. On the one hand, the claim makes a literal identification of the company’s (from labels) main actions as well as metaphorical, but at the same time, compressed presentation of Etisoft’s major advantages possible, such as extensive experience, dynamism and authorial R&D solutions (to 4.0 industry).
Strengthening the position of the leader
Etisoft also presents a refreshed visual communication. The prepared marketing materials or pictures will be related to the modern image of the company clearly distinguishing it from the competition. It’s particularly significant for the implemented marketing strategy which is focused on active presence in the digital media.
“Communicating the most significant actions and objectives it’s also a pretext for us for saying who we want to be as ETISOFT, what we’re aiming but also what we have already achieved. We are proud of the position of our company and the fact that over so many years we have become a brand that is valued on the Polish and international market,” Michał Majnusz adds.