SALMA system awarded in the Innovative Product for Logistics, Transport and Production 2024 competition
We are happy to announce that Etisoft Smart Solutions has won a distinction in the prestigious “Innovative Product for Logistics, Transport and Production 2024″ competition, for the development and implementation of the SALMA project. The competition, organized by Media Group Euro Logistics, aims to select the most innovative products and technologies that affect the development and optimization of logistics, transport and production processes.
The SALMA system was developed by Etisoft Smart Solutions and implemented in the central warehouse of Etisoft. SALMA is an Automatic Logistics, Storage and Notification System consisting of devices that automate logistics processes, robots that handle palletizing and depalletizing of KLT containers and warehouse management robots.
Prizes and distinctions in the competition were presented during the Logistics, Transport and Production Gala, which took place in Warsaw on October 25 this year. Congratulations to the Etisoft Smart Solutions team!

The distinction in the “Innovative Product for Logistics, Transport and Production” competition is another step towards strengthening the position of Etisoft Smart Solutions on the market of innovative technologies for the logistics and production sector.