Pre-implementation analysis of the intralogistics system

A pre-implementation analysis is a service aimed at customers who plan to implement intralogistics systems based on AMRs or AGVs. The objective of the analysis is to assess the customer’s processes and logistics infrastructure and then to suggest a concept for load transport using AGVs or AMRs. A pre-implementation analysis helps to decide on the implementation. It presents the level of required investment, as well as benefits for the customer after the implementation of the automated intralogistics system.

  • Assessing infrastructure and processes before robotization
  • Developing and presenting the system concept
  • Discussing the advantages of robotization
  • Estimating the cost of implementing the system
  • Presenting a quote for system implementation



See how the pre-implementation analysis process works

  1. Initial assessment of the plant’s logistics needs. Based on our questionnaire, the customer sends back answers to questions regarding the type of goods to be transported, existing logistics processes, and conditions in the warehouse or on the production floor.
  2. A site visit from our expert to assess and understand the specifics of the customer’s logistics and warehousing processes.
  3. Expert meetings resulting in the preparation of documentation including:
  • Description of the system’s operation
  • Analysis of existing processes before robotization
  • Ambient and process conditions for mobile robots
  • Type of selected AGVs/AMRs
  1. Developing a system operation map that includes routes for autonomous robots, charging stations, logistics stations, and obstacles.
  2. Conducting a safety analysis of the system’s operation and discussing emergency actions.
  3. Preparation of the Pre-Implementation Analysis document, which contains analysis results, the proposed solution, types and number of AGVs/AMRs, and system performance indicators. The documentation also includes a proposed implementation schedule and a quote for the sale and implementation of the system and its maintenance.

Why should you invest in a pre-implementation analysis?

The pre-implementation analysis is a service aimed at companies searching for an AGV or AMR system but lacking a clear vision of the whole operation of the intralogistics system. As a result of a pre-implementation analysis, the company receives documentation that contains the proposed solution and an investment quote. Benefits of conducting a pre-implementation analysis of the intralogistics system:

  • Presents the investment level
  • Shows the benefits of the robotic system
  • Supports the decision-making process for implementing AGVs/AMRs
  • Ensures security in the purchasing process
  • Contains guidelines for preparing the logistics infrastructure
  • Does not require the company to purchase the system

Do you have any questions about AGVs/AMRs? Not sure which type of mobile robot to choose?

Contact our specialist

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