Action “Warm blanket on a winter night” completed! We have a record collection!
Together we did something good – for the ninth time! We are proud and very happy to announce that another edition of our campaign for homeless animals went down in history as the biggest success! 🎉 Thanks to our joint efforts, we managed to collect more than 850 kg of high-quality food and numerous accessories for dogs and cats. This year we decided to help as many as two organizations caring for homeless pets!
Together we can do more!
Our campaign is growing with each edition, and this year we have already been officially supported once again by companies with big hearts: MK Dach System and Polting Foam
Huge thanks go to the management of the companies, employees and all our friends who are not indifferent to the fate of animals in need.
This is the third time we have supported the Foundation ‘Man for Animals’. We invariably admire the passion and dedication of Ms. Wiola, who daily surrounds the animals in Łętkowice with care. We brought a car filled to the brim with food, treats, toys, chemical products and mats for warming kennels to the shelter. The visit was full of emotion, and the stories of the four-legged residents – from finders to intervention dogs – remind us why this action is so important.
For the first time we also visited the Mruczkowo Cat Cafe in Gliwice, which enchanted us with its atmosphere and charming feline residents. The scratching posts and beds we brought immediately became the favorites of the charges. Of course, there was also time for stroking these wonderful purrs!
These visits reinforced our belief that every kilogram of food, every toy or mat is a real help for animals who have no one else. Thanks to you, dear donors, their daily life becomes better and fuller of hope.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Your big hearts, commitment and willingness to help are the foundation of this campaign. It is thanks to your collective energy that we achieved such a great result! Great thanks are also due to our colleague Ada Dziadosz, originator, organizer of the collection and caretaker of the adopted Mafi. This adorable pooch once again encouraged on posters to make their contribution.
Remember – all four-legged charges of Mruczkowo Cat Cafe and Man for Animals Foundation are recommended for adoption! #nobuyadopt
And already in 2025 – the round, tenth edition of our campaign! Will we be able to beat the previous record? With your help – for sure!